Originally Posted by hkc75
I am definitely going to work on teaching typing skills but how do you work on spelling (I have All about spelling and use all the tactile methods already and nothing is sinking in)? Rely on spell check for the time being?

For now, maybe, DO rely on spell-checking. Sometimes kids see having to fix spelling errors as nit-picking and it causes them to lose what little desire they have to write, either by hand or by typing. Your DS is young yet, and accurate spelling could possibly wait a bit. Another option would be for your DS to edit other people's writing for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors. That way, finding the errors wouldn't be a criticism of him so much. You could maybe just type up a few sentences that have a few errors each and have him mark the sentences for the errors, and maybe rewrite the sentence correctly. If he knew a word was mispelled but didn't know the proper spelling, you could look it up (together?) in the dictionary. Also, with this, he would just have to write a few sentences. To make it easier visually you could always print the sentences in a large font with plenty of space between them so it's less visually distracting. Also, I remember from my grad school days that printing things on light-purple paper somehow works better from some kids with visual and/or dyslexic issues (not saying your DS has these!).

Just brainstorming here! smile

She thought she could, so she did.