Thank you so much for the insight mnmom and master of none. I will get clarification on Tues. For us it is getting him to a point where school work isn't so hard to do. He is thriving with the advanced placement of the material but struggling with the reading/writing requirements. I would love to give him even more advanced coursework but he cannot do the writing/reading parts on his own. I'm not sure how much I should help him as in taking dictations, reading the textbooks, etc. I have been teaching him keyboarding which he is loving becuz we can adjust the size and font and even the color. He loves red. Is this enough to teach him independance or am I sidestepping the issue? TIA Any input or novels are appreciated. smile

He does work hard at some sports, like football and baseball, can ride a bike, etc. He cannot do jumping jacks or tie his shoes but he can tie knots just fine. I do not think he is going to be the next Peyton Manning but miracles can happen. Hehehehe I just need him to want to be an independant learner.