Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
Some were crying fowl that they had a lot of time to practice taking the SAT that ND kids don't get. It was an interesting conversation.
That perspective didn't escape my notice, but in general, ND kids who are compliant and in families who are 'educationally competitive' are taking the SAT 3 or 4 times in their Junior and Senior year anyway, so I think it really doesn't matter enough to stop me.

Do kids who aren't compliant enough or come from not 'educationally competitive' families suffer an unfair disadvantage - yes, they do, but I think that the SAT score part is so small compared to the 'everything else' that it wasn't enough to matter to stop me. If I turn my attention to that after I've discharged my responsibility to my own actual child - and I might - I sure wouldn't start with extra chances at the SAT. I'd teach the parents to talk to (rather than at) their babies and offer choices to babies and toddlers. I'd try to support the parents to enjoy observing the babies closely.

My .02

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