What great timing! I am currently looking having at having student re-evaluated. He has diagnosed EF issues, and had IQ testing done a couple of years ago. There are ADHD issues as well. However, I am dissatisfied with the results of the cognitive test which placed him squarely at average. Given the amount of time he spends not completing work and not attending to instruction (a consistent pattern for six years) someone of average ability "should be" quite far behind academically. However, while there are weak spots, he is decidedly not far behind. Any thoughts about a cognitive assessment that would be less likely to miss cognitive strengths in a disorganized, visual-spatial, finish-everything-in-his-own-time, kind of kid? The original testing was done through a neuro-psych and the report was thorough...I didn't know this child at the time of testing, I just know that the score doesn't mesh with the experiences I've had with him this year. If it helps, my recollection is that his percentile score on one of the block tests was somewhere in the 90s--a significant discrepancy with other scores.