Ohhh, thanks for posting that link, snowgirl! Very helpful.
And, Breakaway4, I really appreciate you asking that question, as it's something I've wondered about as well.

I think the most frustrating thing about having a 2e child is just figuring out exactly how they learn so we can help them succeed (in school and in life). Obviously, the inclination is to get the proper diagnoses so that we can research and figure out what makes them tick and how to present information in a way they can best receive and organize it.

But because of the nature of these complex (and fascinating!) kiddos, and because of the expansive world of the internet & its resources for pinpointing various symptoms, it is SO DIFFICULT to figure out what's what.

One day, my DS12 might seem to fit perfectly into Box X, while the very next day, he barely fits into Box X and seems to fit into Box Y instead. These kids will not be boxed in!

*le sigh*
It's exhausting.

Age-Gap parenting a 2e 12-year-old and an 8-month-old