Originally Posted by snowgirl
That's an interesting question. If ADHD is one kind of executive function deficit, there is a chart in the middle of this article that you might find interesting re: vsl and adhd http://www.visualspatial.org/Articles/george.pdf

Since people can be visual spatial learners without deficits, it would seem that visual spatial learning and having executive function deficits are two separate things. However, another interesting question is to what extent persons with executive function deficits are also VSLs, though I think the answer may yield more fruit if executive function deficits were broken down into different types. All right now I'm totally out of my realm. I recall there being an "expert" on EF here on the board somewhere, come out come out smile

Thanks for the link snowgirl! Glad to know my question was legitimate enough to warrant an article. Having just learned about VSL I figured it was a sophomoric question at best.