Thanks everyone. We're just getting frustrated around here.

Like I said, we love this teacher in general. She's caring and patient and thinks our DS is really smart. She KNOWS he can do much more advanced work, tries to enrich his learning, and even allows him to show off some of his knowledge to his classmates (e.g., drawing 3-D shapes on the board, showing how he would solve an addition problem with regrouping). She even admits that he knows most of what she's teaching the class. But I think she's afraid he might miss something if he moves ahead. For example, the other day she told me that she had to tell him to pay attention when she was introducing what fractions were and what the numerator and denominator meant because, eventhough she knew he knew fractions, she didn't know if he knew everything she was going to teach about them. How can it be that she doesn't see that that's absurd? That, of course, he didn't feel like paying attention?! That he chats with his friends and spins in circles and goofs around becuase he's attempting to stimulate himself since the academics don't do it for him?

I actually have a great relationship with his teacher since I've volunteered in her class for two years now, but sometimes I'm not sure that she knows how serious I am about him needing accommodations. I like your idea, Grinity, of repeating myself confidently over and over, but right now it seems like I'm politely banging my head against the wall! I want acceleration and she keeps thinking of different problem solving activities he can do when he's done with the regular work.

In truth, my DD had this same teacher for 1st grade and she knew that my DD needed more challenging work as well. But DD was impeccably behaved. She even, when I brought up the possibility of subject acceleration, said "Why didn't I think of that!" So, at the end of 1st grade with her we started the process of acceleration. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to start acceleration until November of the following year since the process was so long.

We've just been trying to cut out some of the red tape and asked if he could just try out subject acceleration for the last two months of school, with nothing official being decided. But, I guess, they are wanting to wait to get the MAP test results. Of course, the test isn't even scheduled yet and we're running out of school year. And then there's the possibility that he'll not do as well on the MAP as we're expecting given the math he does on his own and at home.

In general, the principal of the school has been very accomodating and had no problem initiating all the assessments needed for DS to skip K. He's been great, too, with our DD. But it's frustrating having to jump through all the hoops first before we can even set up our meeting with the principal.

I guess I will try to print out some of the articles about what gifted students don't learn when the work is too easy, but I still worry that it might be too heavy-handed and that perhaps she might take offense. Still, I have to try something new. So thank you for all your ideas and all your support. I need it!

She thought she could, so she did.