I didn't get to read all of the posts thoroughly but I did read yours and all that happened with the meeting and your feelings. Your daughter and my DS9 could be one in the same. I as well are going to meet with my son's math and science teacher on Thursday morning. We are having the same issues as he is asking for more and doesn't understand the resistance. As well, his teacher tells us that he makes mistakes, doesn't try, spaces out, etc, etc. She actually convinced me it was him. That was until I spoke with him again about it and he reminded me why all of this was happening - as all of us parents with gifted children know. And once again, another teacher does not believe that there are children who are different on the upper end. As for our principal, we also have no help - nor do they want any from the parents. So when I was speaking to his G&T teacher about something else the other day we started discussing these issues and she suggested that she come and meet with us and his teacher on Thursday morning. She thought that she could bring some insight to his teacher about gifted children - characteristics, learning methods, what happens when they're bored (spacing out - I'm thinking he has ADD and she is reassuring me that that is something gifted children do), etc. And also to show that he is worthy and deserving of the harder work that HE is asking for. Maybe this is an avenue that you can look in to. I feel for you as I am in the exact same position. I will let you know how my meeting goes and if you have any other ideas I would love to hear them. No matter how badly we want to give up (and trust me I have wanted to and have at times) we just need to renew our energy and refocus. Don't let anyone make you change your feelings for what you know is true and for what is best for your child - I've been there too many times. Hearing your pain and frustration.
