At this point in time, I think a meeting with the principal is in order. You have tried approaching the teacher, but I think you need to back your daughter on this one. I am not saying to meet the prinicapl because of this teacher, but rather meet with the princ. because of your child needs. You are your child's advocate and you need to make sure she is getting her educational needs met. I can't imagine a teacher dinging a child's grade because they went too in depth?! CRAZY! The complexity of a gifted child's mind just works that way! PERIOD! I think a meeting to approach teh admin. as to "where do we go next. what can you do for my child" is more than warranted at this point. Do not let one upsetting meeting get you down..... no one eve said the world of advocating was in an easy one but the rewards that come from successful advocation are so worth it for your child's educational as well as emotional needs.