Gasp, AZgirasol, you certainly haven't gone off topic. Quite the contrary, you've hit the nail on the head! I feel like printing out your reply and underlining so many words, especially in para 2. The words "insane" and "Power Struggle" deserve triple underscores at least!

I am precisely in your previous situation with regard to being the primary kicking post, *wince*. And like your son, DS is not usually like this most of the time. From your words, I realize belatedly (but not for next time), that all the more, I should have just retreated for that 2 minute timeout, because wagging my finger to tell him to stop the rudeness is the equivalent of waving the red flag at a bull frown .

A behaviourologist and relaxation - that sounds necessary for DS & I!! I just want to be a mummy too, and not his teacher. Yes, will be writing all these strategies down on a handy card, ready to be whipped out when the time comes...