LOLOLOL! This brings back memories. I went through the same with my middle child. He was 2 1/2 and loved to nurse, and luckily we were in a family-friendly, liberal university town. He would empty one side, and then would sit up and say "time for the other side now" -- he was really VERY articulate and aware, and he knew exactly what he wanted. Not surprising since he would be reading (well) not too much later. I finally had to come up with a plan. I went away to a conference for several days, leaving him with my husband. Then when I returned I told him the milk was "all gone" -- and somehow he believed it (thank goodness!)

I think just saying no to him would have been too difficult. I needed to go away for a couple days to break the routine. He was by then only nursing maybe twice a day (which helped). I think the physical separation (me being out of town) was critical to weaning him without too much distress for either of us. Good luck. BTW my son told me quite a few years later that he remembered nursing (maybe he was 11 or 12 when he said that) -- and he seemed comfortable with that memory, contrary to what some people seem to think. My other two sons wanted to be weaned around 12 months, and only this middle one really would have continued nursing I don't know how much longer.....

I don't know if you have any opportunities to arrange for a physical separation (for a couple days). Maybe you could come up with something exciting for Hanni to do with other family members, away from you? That might work even better than you going somewhere away from her.