My ds6 is in 1st grade at a Title 1 school in our district - this school is not considered one of the good schools in town - it's not in the best area, and has in the past had a bad reputation. We open enrolled him there, mainly because of the "math, science and technology" emphasis. 80% of the kids are on the free or reduced lunch program. Out of 311 enrolled kids, 11 are in the gifted program. Looking at one of the "better" schools here - one has 588 students, has 7.2% on the free/reduced lunch program, and 61 students enrolled in the gifted program. Now - I obviously don't know how many kids are actually gifted, or how many are "better than average", but I'm pretty sure that if my son attended the 2nd school, he would not get as much help as he does now. He goes to 2nd grade for math, and also attends ULE (gifted) classes - and this without any testing. He really stands out in his class, and his teachers really try to challenge him - they have been wonderful to work with so far. We are VERY happy with him NOT being at one of the better schools.