You might want to ask questions of both schools.

For the district school, remember that sometimes schools with high test scores can getting those scores because they're very focused on the tests. Ask yourself if this is what you want for your daughter.

Ask them specifically about what they'll do for a child who is x years ahead and listen very carefully to their answers. For me, general, vague answers are a warning sign. ("Our teachers are great at in-class differentiation!"). "All children are gifted" is, for me at least, a signal to go to Red Alert.

Also, what about homework (How much? What kind?). We have a lottery school in our district that gets very high test scores. I called them and they told me that one thing they do is to give out a lot of homework, starting in kindergarten. They also don't take kids with learning disabilities. All this helps the tests scores but wouldn't benefit gifted kids, 2E or not.

Askabout science, PE, art, and music. How much time do the kids get in these classes? Are there science labs?

Are there a lot of minimum days/half days?

Bottom line: you're looking for specific answers. I always advise people to get promises (like grade or subject acclerations) in writing.

