Hello ColinsMum

His name is Dr. Peter Congdon, http://www.dyslexiabooks.biz/contactus.htm

Thanks for the welcome. Dr. Congdon lives near Birmingham, so a bit of a drive for you to get to, but I think it is well worth the effort. He is an older gentleman who works from home, and is very direct with his information and opinions.

Just come background information - last year you may remember reported in the news here in the UK that a child of about two was the "new Einstein"? Dr. Congdon assessed this child, but in his words, he definitely did not call the child the "new Einstein". He said that the IQ of a 2 year old is affected by environment so is not stable. The parents put him under a lot of pressure to assess the child, so he did go ahead with the assessment.

We will be taking DS back to him this summer, so Dr. Congdon can assess his scholastic attainment over the last 2 years.
