Originally Posted by UK_mom_of_two
So....me in a nutshell....I am UK based, and the mother of 2 children. DS (10) is dyslexic and dysgraphic, with a FSIQ of 146. His sister DD (5) is doing well in school, and does not seem to have any issues. We have not had her IQ assessed.

Hi Leigh! Welcome!

I'm trying to wrap my head around having a FSIQ of 146 with dyslexia and dysgraphia. Am I right in assuming that the 146 is without accomidation for his disabilities? If so - WOW! You're son's strengths must be very robust indeed to compensate for those challenge areas. Has he found a way to make use of school?

No wonder 'little sister' seems to have no issues by comparison!

Was it difficult to find an IQ tester in England? Were the schools interested in your son's strengths? Do they help him with his challenges?

So glad you are here!

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