Hi, My name is Christy, I live in St. Louis, MO, I have a 5 year old son named Blake. Blake is currently in Pre-Kindergarten, he will start in Kindergarten in August.

I don't even know where to begin. Blake has always seemed "different" then other kids his age. I mean, even as a baby, the child never required much sleep. When my nephew was sleeping 14 hours a night, Blake was sleeping 8. He was an extremely difficult baby. Up all the time, overly senstive, hated being swaddled. Very tempermental. I don't really think of him as hitting milestones really early, although, when he made up his mind to do something, he would do it. He did not talk early but once he started talking, it seemed like he had conversations immediately. He to this day had a very extensive language and utilizes words that surprises me.

At the age of 3, he was constantly in trouble at preschool, the teacher told me she thought he had ADHD. I never really thought that he had it, I did take him to a psychologist. After a couple sessions, the psychologist basically told me that he was an extremely smart boy and he needed to come back around Kindergarten time and get tested for giftedness.

My husband had a genius IQ, I do not. My husband's mom always told me that Chris (my husband) was a great kid until about the age of 5 and then things kind of went downhill. He had a lot of problems in school, teachers did not like, etc. Basically most of it being due to the fact that he was intelligently above his peers and bored.

Back to Blake. He has a lot of problems dealing with kids his age and he always results to hitting or calling them names. He seems to get frustrated with them very easily. He does play better with older kids. He has a ton of energy and it is not always directed to the best of places. He questions authority, well actually he questions anything.

He is still overly sensitive and a very intense child.

In the last week, he has been sent out of the gym that I work out in for calling another child a name (I am not even going to say what he called them), sent out of Sunday School for wreaking havoc and I received a phone call from his teacher yesterday regarding his behavior. His teacher handles him very well so I was surprised to get the phone call.

I do have an appt. with a counselor on Saturday and am hopine they can help me. Frankly though, I am at my wit's end. I honestly don't know if he is is gifted, he has not been tested but when I read the characteristics, it seems that he fits in.

I know I have spent most of this post stating he is difficult but honestly, I adore the child and I think he is pretty cool! And I really just want him to be happy. I hate seeing him in trouble a lot and I hate when he gets sad.

So I am not even sure why I am posting, I guess I am looking for some help and also need to vent.

Thanks. Christy