Some (mostly) non-academic things that were important to me when I was trying to decide on a school:

1) Do the schools have major sports teams, and do they compete on campus? I asked this not because I was an athlete but rather that I like the campus comraderie that often develops on campuses with football/basketball teams on game days.

2) Do tuition and scholarships vary from school to school?

3) Are there professors who are currently studying specific topics of interest and could serve as mentors (and for whom you could serve as an assistant)?

4) What is student housing like, whether you plan to live on or off campus?

5) How far away are you comfortable being? Like HannahZ, I think it can be good to be away from home for college, but how far are you comfortable with being? 6 hours away may mean you can come home once every month or so. Across the country may mean you only come home at Christmas.

6) How decided are you on your field of study? If you're not sure, it might be a good idea to go to a school with a wide range of majors and extensive academic advising available.

7) Would you have friends also attending the school? Some kids like to have someone they know at the same school so that they don't feel so alone, while other kids thrive on the chance for a fresh start where they don't know anyone.

Wish your DD good luck in making her decision. Those are great options to have!

Last edited by mnmom23; 04/04/10 02:27 PM. Reason: punctuation

She thought she could, so she did.