So sorry, Mia! Now I'm wondering if we should even bother with the WISC and the DYS application...If B didn't get in, I'm dubious that DS6 will make the cut either.

Thin letter or no, B IS ridiculously gifted. He just is. That's one doubt/question/worry you don't need to have. He's just crazy gifted.

Originally Posted by Grinity
Bottom line: I sure wish that we didn't have to think about this so much, that schools would take responsibility for figuring out how our kids, and would then follow through. For the Grandchildren!

Amen, Grinity! Sing it, Sister!

*For the Grandchildren!*

(I really think we need t-shirts and tote bags that say that. It could be a way to recgnize one another on the street IRL. LOL!)
