When did your dd turn 8 (i.e.-would she have been older for grade without skipping)? I have a few thoughts even though dd11 has only skipped one grade. My dd is not DYS. She is HG (probably right around the 99th percentile). She was already quite young for grade pre-skip b/c she has an early fall bd, so she (and her younger sis) turned 8 early in 3rd grade with no skipping. I do think that skipping her was the right thing. If your child would have been old for grade w/out that K skip and she is more able than mine (which it certainly sounds like is the case), it seems reasonable that she will need more acceleration than mine has.

In re to 5 yrs of high school, I wouldn't do it. We talked with some local high schools about that option for dd b/c she won't be turning 16 until her senior year. We were advised that colleges might look poorly at that choice b/c, at quick glance, it appears to be due to a child who couldn't finish in 4 yrs regardless of grades. They said that kids who take 5 yrs are usually ones who haven't completed all requirements in 4 yrs and that it isn't a good first impression on college admission officers. How about 4 yrs of high school and then one year at a community college before heading off to a uni?