I know this isn't really what you are asking about, but I figure nobody will mind if I throw it out there.

I think middle school is kind of nuts. Sixth grade is really young to have to go from class to class deal with several different teachers and sets of demands. And I don't even want to think about 12 year-olds making out and going through sexual dramas and competitions for the hot girl or guy.

I also think middle shortchanges math since math isn't given enough time relative to the other classes. I don't want my kids spending as much time on social studies as they do on math. It's not that social studies (or whatever they call it these days) isn't as important, but its not as cumulative. They can learn it anytime. Math requires consistent practice and the topics need to be addressed in a more rigid order.

And I suspect it shortchanges writing because while the students are producing written work for their history/social studies/ecology/whatever teachers, those teachers probably aren't giving them feedback on their writing skills and may not be qualified to do so even if they are willing to.

I also think that by middle school their bodies are reasonably strong and developed and it would be a terrific time to concentrate on sports and develop and interest in a particular sport. Or learn a foreign language. Or see if they have what it takes to take their music to the next level. They are old enough at that age to measure their abilities and they are old enough to intuitively make the choices that reflect their personal talents and proclivities.

So if I were going to have my kids step out for a couple of years, it would definitely be during the middle school years.

Then in HS they can take advanced math and science classes and work on their other interests at the pace/degree of rigorousness they choose, but the minimum level being their HS curriculum.