I didn't leave with the results. I didn't get copies of anything.

I was just told that he was given the test for older kids by accident. I saw the results, but I don't remember them all. I know Block Design was in the 95%. But his ranges varied from 25% to 95% with the majority of categories being in the 75-90%. Other than that, I really just don't remember the information.

I do know that the category in the 25% was probably a very difficult category for his age range. It had to do with "common sense" questions as she reported to me. She said the questions were a bit "experience related." So she thought that could have "hit" his total hard.

His achievement testing was good, most everything between the 2-5 grade level w/ the exception of writing. It was in mid-first grade. He is in Kindy.

Ugh, I feel frustrated. I've been anxiously waiting for results. Now I don't know if I know them or don't know them.