Originally Posted by AnnaAugusta
My question is (whew!) where do we go from here? His behavior is getting in check with his new medication and I don't want boredom to make him escalate again.

I'm not sure what to do next. Do we contact the enrichment teacher? Only deal with his teacher? Maybe now that she saw his MAP scores, she'll believe that he's smart and bored? What if she doesn't? They only do whole group math in first grade, but in second grade they split them up by ability. Reading, though, is done in small groups and, like I said, she has him in reading level C when he's been reading levels H and I for me without problem.

Thank you!

I would suggest a few things - I would request a meeting with the classroom teacher, and the enrichment teacher (this may take requesting a premeeting with the classroom teacher first) to 'see the MAP scores, be explained what they mean, and insure that DS isn't placed in a situation where he gets in the habit of acting up in school due to 'poor educational fit.'

Ask the two of them what would DS needs to learn next, and how to get him in a classroom situation where that is being taught.

If the school will do an IQ test, this maybe the time to request it. MAP tests come with information about what each individual child knows, and would be expected to learn next. Also bring up what he told you about wanting to get outside to recess, and that the test was taken without medication, and that you would expect him the test to underestimate what he can do.

You don't need your child to be identified as 'Gifted' you just need him to be in classroom situation (subject acceleration or full grade acceleration) where he will be able to learn new material, and get used to the idea that learning take a certian amount of effort and focus.

Best Wishes,

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