I've a feeling this will be long, but I want to paint the whole picture.

My son talked early, is extremely curious, loves engineering toys, computer room escape games and other such puzzles, prefers to play with older children, is very compassionate, has an absolutely outstanding sense of humor, etc. He was counting objects before age two, but did not even learn letter sounds and some cvc and sight words until age 4.

He did pretty well in kindergarten. He was always in enrichment math, did well in reading (though not exceptional), and his teacher said "his problem solving skills were amazing." He had some issues with behavior, but only had to go to the office a couple of times.

We moved to a different school district and he is in first grade this year. The first three weeks went well, then things took a turn for the worse. His main behavior issue was refusing to do work. He also exhibited attention seeking behaviors and talked too much. Oh, and ran out of the room on three different occasions. crazy

He complained that the work was too easy. He said "she keeps teaching us things I already know." I explained that if the work was that easy, just to do it quickly and get it over with. I said, "Is getting in trouble really better than just doing the work?" He answered, "when it's that easy, yes."

His behavior got worse and one day he was sent to SAFE. While there, the SAFE teacher gave him some first grade math worksheets. He said they were too easy and asked for harder work. The teacher said he decided to "call his bluff" and gave him third grade worksheets. He had no problem with them.

When this was relayed to his regular teacher her only comment was "How can he do third grade math? He can't even read!" This annoyed me for two reasons. First, she's given that information and that's the only thing she says or does about it? Second, yes, he could read. He couldn't read at a third grade level, but he could read on level and managed to read the directions with some help from the SAFE teacher.

The teacher then suggested we get him tested for ADHD. Not her exact words, of course, but we knew what she meant.

We took him for an evaluation and the doctor diagnosed him with ADHD. He said he also noticed several sensory issues and we're now awaiting a sensory eval.

Anyway, I'm a paraeducator and I brought home some GRL books to test his reading. He's currently reading at level I. Not outstanding, but not bad. The teacher has him in the reading group which is reading level C books. Whenever someone suggests that he's bored or very intelligent, she just kind of poo-poo's it.

He started a new medication two weeks ago that is working incredibly well. He's still his energetic, funny self, but he's able to focus and it really helps with his impulsivity.

Which brings us to the other day and a meeting we attended at his school. Several people were there (psychologist, curriculum specialist, teacher, counselor, principal, special ed facilitator and us). They admit things are are better.

The counselor did mention that he was very creative and she said she hated that he had to miss so much instruction when he was misbehaving. I told her that it was a big concern of mine because I felt like he had a lot of potential and his needs weren't being met. I then said "I don't think he's shown you all just how intelligent he is."

That's when his teacher said, "Well...I wanted to let you know about this. I got his (NWEA) MAP test results back the other day and he did very well. I was shocked. ( mad) The enrichment teacher brought me the results and was asking me about him." The curriculum specialist said, "Wow. She never seeks students out," and his teacher said, "no, she doesn't."

We left without finding out his scores, but requested them the next day. I remember when he took the test (at least one of them, not sure if it was reading or math) and I asked him if it was hard and he said some of it was, but he hurried through it so he could go out to recess. smirk
Because of that (and because he wasn't on medication at the time and lacked focus) I didn't expect too much.

Well, we got the results. They aren't exceptional, but I think they're very good. He received a 191 (97th %ile) in math and a 186 (96th %ile) in reading.

My question is (whew!) where do we go from here? His behavior is getting in check with his new medication and I don't want boredom to make him escalate again. He always makes 100% on his papers, unless he's made a careless mistake or two. They're really just silly, easy papers, though.

The other day I took less than two minutes to explain multiplication to him and he understood it completely and figured out all the (single digit) problems I threw at him. Then, I asked him what 9 divided by 3 was. He said, "I don't know," and I said, well think about it, "what is 9 divided into three groups?" He immediately said, three. So he learns very quickly and retains very well, too.

I'm not sure what to do next. Do we contact the enrichment teacher? Only deal with his teacher? Maybe now that she saw his MAP scores, she'll believe that he's smart and bored? What if she doesn't? They only do whole group math in first grade, but in second grade they split them up by ability. Reading, though, is done in small groups and, like I said, she has him in reading level C when he's been reading levels H and I for me without problem.

I just want the best for my son. Maybe he's not gifted, but I've always known he was extremely bright. His vocabulary, reasoning, insight, and humor are just amazing at times. For instance during that whole "balloon boy" fiasco, he came into the room when I was reading about it online and he asked me what was going on. I told him and he said, "Wait a minute, is the balloon filled with helium?" I said, "yes," and he asked me how big the balloon was. I told him and he said, "a person can't survive taking in that much helium." That had never even crossed my mind (and I'm not sure how he knew!).

Sorry this was so long. It was a bit of venting experience for me, too, so cathartic, if nothing else. I really would appreciate any advice and insight any of you may have.

Thank you!