Hi Anna,

In my limited experience, this is a classic gifted kid situation. You might speak with the school about doing an IQ and achievement test on him. If they won't do it - you may need to pay for it yourself, so that you have some concrete evidence. Does your son have a 504 or IEP? If you go to the Twice Exceptional part of this site, you may get some good advice on how to wrap some of his needs as a gifted child (assuming he tests out that way - but regardless he sounds like a very bright little boy to me) into the IEP/504 (I def. don't know much about that - but it would be something to explore).

Keep reading, and be prepared to become an advocate. But also remember, this is a long term process. I think it is great you have recognized his challenges this early in his education.

Welcome, Cat

Last edited by Catalana; 03/13/10 07:00 AM.