This isn't about DS being spiritual but rather what was said to him. WTF, no,no, it's not what you think - it's Weird, Freaky, True.

When DS was three he was having a particularly bad day about the fact that he wasn't 5, like his sister, and therefore couldn't go to school. So I decided we would go to the park and then out for lunch.

We were sitting in a cafe and after a while I noticed an elderly lady, two tables away, staring at DS. It didn't bother me and as it continued I just thought she was probably not so much looking at him as through him. Eventually she came over and introduced herself stating at the same time she was 99 years old. We exchanged some pleasantries and then out of the blue she said DS has an aura. I said yeah......ok........meaning. She then proceeded to tell me that she has had a spiritual gift all her life and that DS has an old soul, a very old soul and is wise far, far beyond his years. Freaky but True!

P.S. She worked it out long before I did. Maybe I should have taken more notice.grin