
Its a fact that kids and their moms share cells. During pregnancy, cells from the mother cross the placenta and take up residence in the child and vice versa. These cells are detectable for at least a decade or more later.

Fraternal twins also have this condition.

And there is are two phenomenon called Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Coupling which allow for action at a distance. Both are used now for making quantum computers.

So, I could see how information could be exchanged over a distance using the two concepts listed above.


I know there are places I have been that I have felt a presence. One particular old house where I felt it, my DW mentioned it one day. Others who owned the house before us have told me the same thing out of the blue. And I have had dreams that later came true.

The most interesting dream had me awakened during the dream by a phone call that arose from some very unlikely circumstances. The being in my head said I would forget this in time...

General Patton is among the most famous for Deja Vu experiences and some of his (correct) remembrances about being a former Roman leader are documented.

Then there is lucid dream shaping and out of body experiences.

The ability of the top yogis to control their body processes is now well documented.