Austin, I love your mom. My DS7 gets along great with adults...adults love him and can't believe the stuff he comes up with. (Except of course for the type of teacher who wants complete control and cannot tolerate his questioning of every single thing.) He hasn't met any true intellectual peers I don't think, even though he is in the gifted class. I'm hoping next year when he is in the "school for the gifted" he will be exposed to more kids like him. Just the other day, he expressed a desire to meet an adult like him...I guess his parents are just not up to snuff. He has informed us many times that we are not "in autism" with him. Anyway, the sad thing is, is that the school suspended him a second time and my husband brought him home this time. They have not yet scheduled our so-called emergency IEP meeting. We are now taking him to school late to miss his "specials" classes which are a disaster. When he was home on suspension, he had 2 hours of school work to make up...he finished it in 10 minutes. I can't even imagine how he is getting through the day with such minimal intellectual challenge. Well, we are dealing with it now and it will improve. Nan