Boy does this sound familiar. My DS9 but in 4th grade is experiencing EXACTLY the same thing (I posted something similar). We have the same thing at our school "pull out program as well as clustering the GT kids (all 4 of them) into the same homeroom." We have a G&T teacher but it doesn't seem enough when all they are getting is a book club and doing debates. There is absolutely no acceleration for math and my son just can't stand it anymore however he makes mistakes at the level they are at - because "he just doesn't pay attention to the details" as his teacher says. Who would after you've already learned it a thousand times. We have begged for more and they are so against it. My son scored perfect on the NJASK (which sounds like the same test as in Texas) and has scored 99.9% on other tests MAP, COGAT (97.9%) or above in all subjects. He also score 146 on the WISC IV which they aren't even using now. It is ridiculous and a shame as he is becoming the same way at school. Hopefully, the school will work with you. My best advice would be to ask for some kind of acceleration (not more homework) even if it means just getting different work for home. Another teacher may then be able to go over it say at lunch time. But ask for as much as you can to start with. Last year my sons teacher would give him homework that was a grade or two above what the other kids got. However, this year they won't even think about it. I don't know how important it will be to do outside testing as they already know he is gifted however, they may be able to test him within the school - and that may hold more clout as it is coming from them. I feel your pain. Another problem is if your son is above the other G&T kids then they will hold him back and cluster him along with them. You have to show that he needs even more than them. Please keep us up to date as I would love to know what works for you. I am wishing you lots of luck and don't give up.
