Thank you so much for the advice. I really think that it would be a great idea to let him take on the responsibilities along with the rewards and consequences. It is so hard to not always be on a child who is disorganized, constantly forgets things and gets off track so easily. But this is something that I will work on. As for finding something for him to do that he enjoys - this is going to be on top of my priority list. Our life has been crazy and I really haven't gotten to put much effort into him and what he needs. As we know they are mature in some ways beyond their years but in other ways they are still just kids - hard to remember sometimes frown . I do have to remember that school is not fun and I think his preteen behavior lately is a result of that.

I just want to say that I am so glad I found this forum. The support is so needed and appreciated. Once again thanks for the wonderful advice.
