Hi Jules,

I am struggling with this but not yet to this level, my DS8 is in second grade and he is a "rule follower" so we are not having any problems at school (which of course makes the school think he is just fine) but he just completely decompensates when he gets home. Math is our issue as well, just zero challenge, and I am already starting to see how he is just completely underachieving and zoning out - he doesn't pay attn. to his work and makes silly mistakes or just doesn't care enough.

Hang in there and I would push for above grade testing. Have you had him do any achievement or talent search type testing? We just did the SCAT and while it is just a step in the process, the results have already made the school sit up and take a bit of a notice, and now we have a meeting that will be with the principal and his teacher, and I may request the G/T coordinator as well. The principal says she has some ideas re: how to engage and challenge him and I look forward to hearing what she has to say (although I am a bit skeptical).

Good luck, Cat