Yes, big hugs to you both.

This is something we've been going through with DS9 since toddlerhood, we used to say that when he was 2 he didn't like 2 year olds. Insert any age above and it will still apply.

We've never had a sleepover or an invite to play at a friends house, and at his last birthday party only 1 child from his class showed up. DS9 relates better to 12-14 year olds and has a blast with DD16's friends. His teachers say he interacts more with them than with the other students.

[So I expressed this concern that he is able to have great connections and conversations/play/etc. with older kids. They said that he needs to be able to have them with kids his age as this is the age he will be with for the rest of his time at school. (sigh).] (sorry I don't know how to put a box around your post)

I've heard that one before. Why does he HAVE to be friends with kids his own age? They obviously mean his chronological age and not his emotional/intellectual age. Have they read "Genius Denied"? Urgh.

All I can say is keep on doing what you're doing. It sounds like he is a happy, loving, friendly child, so why does the age of his "friends" matter? I mean, I'm in my 30's, but I have friends from 20 years old to 65 years old. Why can't he? The school may not understand, but you do and that's what counts. I usually take those type of school meetings with a grain of salt.