I had a meeting with the school today. I am quite annoyed. They are concerned because my DS5 is not making friends with his classmates and doesn't have any specific friends that he really enjoys being with. I guess when the asked him to bring another child from his class into this adults office he asked "do I have to?" So that made him really concerned I guess. He is a very extroverted PG child, he loves being with kids...but he typically relates to children that are in the 10+ age group. He was grade skipped to first, but he just doesn't have the same interests as children in that grade, or at least not with the ones he has met yet. Although he talks about them and seems to enjoy being with them. So I expressed this concern that he is able to have great connections and conversations/play/etc. with older kids. They said that he needs to be able to have them with kids his age as this is the age he will be with for the rest of his time at school. (sigh). That is just so annoying that they don't understand how different he is. They said they didn't see it as an academic issue, but a social issue. Even though he is "bright." I am just so shocked. They have a copy of his report and he is not at all just "bright." Not that I care about the wording, they don't have to say "gifted" or "PG" but don't say that it isn't a factor when his IQ is like 2x the IQ of his peers. I was quite tempted to say "would you be able to make friends if I put you in a class with kindgergardeners? And if not, does that mean that there is a problem with your social skills?" And that is my vent of the week. Hopefully my only one as I am not big on venting (although there were clearly other aspects of the meeting I could vent about, but that will be for another time and place I suppose) : |