Thank you Mel! He's 9, I think his input is important and part of the consideration, but he's not going to make the final decision. His friends are in the class with him and at recess. He has other friends around and I've been able to keep him in touch with old friends from the neighborhood school that he attended last year. Also, apparently there is a huge number of homeschoolers in the area, so I need to get out exploring a bit. That is a great idea about knowing what we're ready to draw the line at and keeping it positive! Math needs to be more appropriate and since science is often in the afternoon with math, maybe we could do both. The school district said that a partial homeschool had never been done with the FT gifted class but that didn't mean it couldn't be done. The other part is working through his perfectionism. The doctor said 'he's going to tanrum and rebel out of it'. I'm not sure it would benefit him to do that amongst peers.