I do think the bored boys behave differently from bored girls in general, and a bored, gifted boy is more likely to be sent for an eval. My middle one is verbally and socially very highly gifted and always seemed different in so many ways. But he is so tuned into everything going on socially, and from the time he was three or four he always appeared to be watching everyone very closely. If you have a boy like that, maybe he can handle being bored with the academics without acting up. My middle one actually attended a mixed age Montessori school in the same classroom with older brother (4 years older) and for several years he was de facto "incognito shadow assistant" to big brother, and he would help his older brother and also report to us all that happened each day. But my third and youngest son is more "regular boy" gifted and we feel he is very much at risk for an ADHD label especially here in NYC where it seems so trendy to get the kids labeled and then get them "sensory integration therapy." Having done the intensive SI for my oldest (and then having read and learned more about it), I would never waste my child's time with that again.