O.K. - it's finally happened. EVERY BOY who went to pre-school with my DS7, has now been diagnosed with one or more of the above (We are holding out - but only just). Apparently all the girls from the same class are doing fine. With my friends too, if they have at least one boy, then they have at least one diagnosis. The families of these boys, although probably above average regarding I.Q., do not stand out as socially inept, in fact quite the opposite. We also do not live in the Silicon Valley, but a very typical part of middle America.
I definitely do not want to undermine these conditions, and have every respect for parents who are doing all they can to help their kids who are serious affected. However I can't help wondering if, particularly in the case of Asperger's and ADHD, true norms for boys (particularly Gifted ones), are being diagnosed as problems. Does anyone know if when evaluated, the same criteria are used for both girls and boys? I personally don't think they should be expected to socially behave in exactly the same ways.

Last edited by lulu; 02/19/10 07:20 AM.