Originally Posted by jesse
Also consider how he does in test situations and who the tester is.

For example, does he have a bit of perfectionism in him, where if he's not sure if he could get it right he won't try.

THIS is a very real problem for Damian. It wasn't severe in Kindergarten but it was apparent. It has gotten much much worse since he finished 1st grade and frankly I think it is because he was FORCED to sit in his seat with his head down when he was finished with his work EVEN if it meant that he sat for 20 minutes or more. He got so used to the work being easy and now if it isn't easy he breaks down saying he must be dumb or the teacher/work/rule or game is stupid.

His mind wanders a lot and initially, last year I voiced my concerns before they did the testing that he would not perform as well in a group setting because he child next to him or a cough or a pencil snapping would distract him especially because this is not something he has a keen interest in and Damian often has a hard time focusing if he doesn't like the subject matter.

His teacher in 2nd grade has taken to ignoring Damian when he seems to not be paying attention because he retains information even when you don't think he is listening. She hasn't hounded him about fiddling or fidgeting either because he cannot focus or refuses to if he cannot do these things. She also said that instead of refusing to answer questions in the middle of a lesson, she gives a vague answer and encourages him to finish his classwork so he can go look it up.