Originally Posted by GeniusZooKeeper
...I have had him tested 5 times for other issues. All come out saying he is just very intelligent but NOT ADD or ADHD and even the psychologist cannot find anything beyond his need for knowledge, wrong with him.
I know that you mentioned the CogAT being an average score. What other four or five tests has he taken & what types of scores did he get on those? You mention that they said that he was very intelligent. Are you meaning bright (somewhere well above avg like the 85th percentile) or very high (like the 98th+ percentile)?

Like I said on your other thread, my younger dd is very erratic and certainly has scores on some tests (CogAT included) that would indicate that she is quite bright, but not gifted. It certainly is possible for one test to not hit on a specific child's strengths.

If the child has taken five ability tests (CogAT, WISC, SB, OLSAT, Raven type of tests) and all of them are consistently around the 50th or 60th percentile though, I might wonder if something else other than giftedness is going on. If there is a lot of inconsistency from test to test and day to day, I would certainly not rule out giftedness. Some kids just don't test well for a variety of reasons.