Hi JJs Mom,

We live in central New Jersey. It makes me glad to hear that your ds is doing well with the move into first grade. I only wish that the school district would have sped up this process for dd's sake. As it stands now, after testing, evaluation and recommendation, dd will not be moved into 1st grade until mid-February. To think that IAS states that if the child says "no" to the move the entire process becomes null and void. My thinking is that at this point, so late in the school year, any child will at best have second thoughts about transitioning into any new environment.

Testing is scheduled for this week. Now they're lighting the candle up under us and honestly, we feel a bit rushed to get all this testing done before the week is out. It's enough to yank the hair out of my head! Never mind the countless nights of staying up in bed going back and forth weighing in the pros and cons. ARGH!!!

Nobody said it was going to be easy!!!