The subject acceleration suggestions are a great idea as an intermediary step. My oldest subject accelerated before she skipped a grade later.

If possible, I'd also have private IQ testing done with someone who is familiar with gifted children and then have the Iowa Acceleration Scale filled out in cooperation with her school. An IQ score is required to fill out an Iowa Acceleration Scale accurately (according to publisher guidelines).

I wonder if the district may be hesistant to set a precident of accelerating all academically advanced children b/c they may worry about being barraged with parents demanding the same b/c your dd got it. If you have the IQ piece in place, that would at least give them an out wherein they could tell parents who say that your dd got to skip so their kid should too that they need to have all of the pieces in place and the IAS needs to indicate that the child is an excellent candidate for a skip. Really, they shouldn't be skipping kids who aren't really good candidates and they shouldn't have a reason for denying the skip for kids who are.