Hi, I'm new to this whole forum thing, but I've been reading for a few weeks and have a couple of questions that I am hoping I can get answered here. My DS10 (4th grade) took the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence III test at age 5-2m. He had the following results:

Verbal Scale:

Information 15
Vocabulary 16
Word Reasoning 16

Performance Scale

Block Design 8
Matrix Reasoning 14
Picture Concepts 16
Picture Completion 17

Scale Quotient Scores

Verbal 135
Performance 116
Processing Speed 113

Full Scale I.Q. 127

My first question is why might the block design portion be so low and how much would that throw off the full scale I.Q.

Would it be worth have him retested now to see is there has been an improvement.

He scores high on all the stadardized testing he's taken (ex. Map scores are in the mid 220 in all subjects, He scored in the 98% in his 3rd grade Illinois Standard Achievment tests, and we are waiting on the results from the explore test he just took.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
