Oli your DD sounds adorable!

Sharing is the current worst battle for DS2.7 as it's so public... for example at the library they let the kids play with the puppets/props after story time and DS tries to get them all and then guards his pile and runs crying from the room if anyone takes one. The other day absolutely lost it in a dinosaur museum when he wasn't allowed to touch the large moving models (that were behind fences).

Hates carseats, sticks everything in mouth, dependent on pacifier to get to sleep, sometimes cries at the idea of a diaper change but refuses to even consider potty or toilet, will only wear one pair of shoes.

The flip side of losing it over nothing is that DS can go from totally sad to beamingly happy at the suggestion by me of a box of raisins, a game of ring around the rosy, etc.

Don't forget to take photos of a few tantrums, those are some of my best loved photos.
