Most of what you describe is personality and pushing for independence. Though, I have to admit that my DD is a well behaved child and accepts the major ones such as having to stay in the car seat. She might accept it more because we always treated her like an older child and explained why things are important. I will never forget her scaring me to death before she was two, by trying to run in a parking lot. I started to freak out and apologized, explaining why she needed to stay with me and hold my hand. (size and people in cars not being able to see her) She got it and from that point on has never tried to dart out but waits for me and takes my hand.

The only time we really had struggles was when I wasn't paying attention to her need for more independence. Once I picked up on it and allowed her that, she was a content toddler. She loves to help cook in the kitchen and as long as she follows the rules, she is allowed to cook everything with me. She loves to crack eggs by herself and cook on the stove.

BTW ... love the MET comment. Did you see the article about a klutzy woman who fell into a Picasso and ripped the canvas? Can't help but tease my friend who lives up in NY that the woman has to be her. She is always falling up the stairs. We have taken DD to the MET twice and always take the stroller in to the city. She loves riding in it and only when we are in NY. Other than that the stroller is stuck somewhere in the garage. We did get in trouble when we were on the rooftop viewing the "Maelstrom" by Roxy Paine since she thought it was a wonderful piece to straddle. Oops! Of course, I don't look great for taking a picture of her doing it, instead of correcting her to stay off of it. Bad me! But over all I would say she is pretty well behaved when we are out and about.

As for the wearing pink and liking toddler characters ... yep, mine too. I sometimes wonder if it has more to do with communicating with her friends but I doubt it. These things just appeal to them and nothing wrong with it. My DD is what I consider a girly girl to the disappointment of my DH. She confirmed this trait at age 6 months when he got her out of the car one evening and a bug flew by her head. She squealed and swinged her little arms around asking what's that? My DH rolled his eyes and knew he was in for a girly girl experience. And so far she has confirmed that, but she might be changing her ways some. She loves sports and shocks us with her ability to hit baseballs with a bat. She also has an arm on her and can really throw a ball a distance. She is also big on the monkey bars and insists on hanging from them for long period of times. So who knows ... we might have a little tom boy after all ... one who of course, dresses in pink! When does the pink phase go away anyway? Hopefully sooner than later!