Originally Posted by vicam
Well if the school counselor officially recommends that she see the doctor for evaluation she just tied the schools hands and they have to pay for any visits related to this "chemical imbalance"
Yeah, these are the times when you wish you had a tape recorder running during the conversation. Although I really liked the GT coordinator for our district at the time and suspected that she was just burned out and being honest with me, I wished that I had taped her telling me that "highly gifted students don't last long in the public school system; have you considered homeschooling?" and "the higher ups in the district are philosophically opposed to meeting your daughter's needs." No one in their right mind is going to admit to making comments like that that would get them in trouble and it just becomes your word against theirs.

If you can afford it, I'd still get the ball rolling on private testing. Given their behavior at the moment, I don't know if I'd trust their tester to do it correctly and not just pathologize your dd.