My DS was acting strange in 2nd, ADHD Like. This prompted testing. They did the Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test and IQ. This helped to advocate for him to get some adjustments. The school psycologist said there was nothing wrong with him just needs challenge in school. I would make sure the tester is good. Any way, my point is something good can come out of this situation. If you go talk to your ped. maybe he can reccomend testing to your school. Have you talked to the principal yet?

It is not a child's job to teach others. If your child does not like the teaching of classmates tell the teacher this must stop. If your child has extra time can she read or do some alternate work - see for ideas. My son loves the Math books and they go beyond what is taught in our school.

Last edited by onthegomom; 01/25/10 03:26 PM.