Originally Posted by Polly
But now DS knows a very large number of books fully and recalls parts of ones last read 6 or more months ago and I can not keep up. Not at all. He is not socially mature enough to understand the difference between me not being capable of going back and forth with lines or remembering plots, and not wanting to or refusing to play. It's probably confusing that I can do it sometimes but not others. So both of us are really frustrated. It seems to come up many times a day that mommy has a old brain.

I would advise taking a moment to think about the message that you are sending here. Do you rejoice in the fact that he has abilities and interests that you do not have? Or do you feel ashamed/embarrassed/inadequate/stupid/old? How do you want him to feel when he encounters someone with knowledge and abilities that he does not have? I get that it's frustrating when he wants to play a specific game with you, but being down on yourself can't be helping things. If he's into memorizing and reciting, perhaps you could teach him something that you already know. Or maybe it's just time for him to play some games by himself. smile