Originally Posted by JaneSmith
Thanks Cricket2. It does sounds like a similar situation. Did you have the tests administered by the same psych each time? Maybe in children with disparate abilities it takes longer for their scores to get consistent.
No, but the two psychologists both worked for the same university and knew one another.

I, too, would still like to figure out what dd#2 needs and is able to do b/c I don't want to expect more of her than she can do. I also don't want to let her coast by with no effort getting Bs b/c she has very little work ethic. If high-avg grades are the best she can do, that is fine. I just don't get the impression that she is working at all or really even showing up for school other than in body only. Ideally, I'd like to homeschool her even though she and I really clash a lot. I am worried about where she is heading in a lot of regards, though, but it isn't in the budget for me to quit my main job at the moment. I'm still prepping resources in case we are able to move in the direction in the next few years.

I also hate to keep retesting her even if it were financially feasible b/c I don't want to leave her with the impression that all I care about are her having high IQ scores so I'm going to have her tested over and over until we get the results we want.

Good luck with your boys. I hope that you are able to figure out what is going on with your older ds better than I have been able to with our dd as of yet.