
I've got two boys - 8.5 and 7, both very bright with the 7 y.o. being more consistent across the board and the 8.5 y.o. being more curious, a more voracious reader, and a quirkier sense of humor.

Because of the 8.5 y.o.'s inconsistency and (relatively) poor writing skills we had both boys evaluated about a year and a half ago. The scores came in at 140 (7 y.o.) and 135 (8.5 y.o.) which was within the ranges I expected, albeit at the lower ends. My older son showed less consistent abilities and the discrepancy between his verbal/reading skills and his writing skills caused him to be classified as LD.

I was not overly concerned as I was slow to develop the ability to tranfer my ideas to paper and he was only 7 at the time. Since then has improved and contintues to do so.

The boys are at a great school in a mixed-age classroom. However, our financial situation has changed and we need to switch to public school.

Getting to the point:

The charter school I would like them to attend prefers I.Q.s over 145, will consider children in the 130 - 145 range. They require a test done within the last year. So I had them both re-tested. My 7 y.o. scored 148. This is at the upper level of the range I would have guessed prior to the original test. So I am a little surprised, but not shocked. However, my older son scored 121. I have my doubts about the validity of this score....but I'm his mother. I discussed it with the tester and she felt it was representative. I have no reason to doubt her competance. So my questions are:

Is this possible? I thought he was old enough at the time of the first test for reliable results.

Can I assume the higher score is more accurate, using the logic that anyone can have a bad day, but you aren't going to get a lot of answers correct by accident?

Is it worth calling around and trying to find another tester? I have no reason to think either evaluator did a poor job, but why the large discrepancy?

How much subjectivity is built into these test?

Given my older son's characteristics, what test is likely to result in a higher score? The test he took for the 135 score was WISC-IV and I think it was the same one this time around.