Good points Timiny. We agree that once he begins an activity, barring any major problems, ds is required to see it through. I'm just wondering if we should re-enroll him in an activity that we think is good for him (and he only somewhat balks at this activity-martial arts) even though he SAYS he doesn't want to do it again. His current session ends in a couple of weeks. I think if we sign him up that he'll go and be reasonably happy, if not overly excited, about it. He wouldn't intentionally act up or anything like that. I just hate it when I see parents forcing an activity down a kid's throat when the child is obviously not interested. I'd rather he focus his interest and energy on something he's crazy about rather than just going through the motions. That said, he's only 6 and is still trying to figure out what he loves. Dh thinks we should let him choose at this point whether he wants to sign up for the next session or take a break. Dh says at 6, he should be able to choose a different extracurricular activity each semester/season if he wants until he finds his niche. I guess that's what this period of life is about, but I just think some things take more than a few months to decide if it's something you want to commit to, especially if you're 6.