I do involve ds in choosing the activities. Like I said, he's very excited about them to begin with, but like cricket mentioned with her ds, my son's first response is to say he doesn't want to go, no matter what the activity is. I've found some activities that he doesn't get upset about once he's there, but I never seem to find anything that he's just completely crazy about either (except Science class or science club). I want him to have some physcial activity! Right now, what we're dealing with is a martial arts class. He really seems to enjoy it, although his attention issues interfere with his success, and he tends to get reprimanded or redirected a lot. Mostly I just want him to have fun, learn some of the moves, and build his confidence/self-discipline. With each new activity, I always make him finish the semester/session, but now it's time to renew, and he's not sure he wants to do it again. It's expensive, but I think if he continues it'll be good for him. I just don't want to pay for something he's not interested in. I think it's the one thing he's enjoyed more than any other physical activity, so I don't want him to give up on it. I also don't want him to feel that I'm forcing him to do something he doesn't want to do...at least not something that is supposed to be for his enjoyment. I just don't understand why he loses his enthusiasm so quickly. Right now, we're leaning towards having him continue but cutting down the frequency to 1-2 days/week instead of 3. We'll see how it goes. He's also in chess club, science club, and basketball. It sounds like a lot to me, but he's one of those kids that has to be busy all the time. Downtime is not his friend!