Hi Kathy-Tx-

If you haven't found "The mothership" - take a look at:

(Notice the logo? wink)

Have to tried to contact these local groups?
From: http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/on-line_support.htm#commun
texastag - TAG education issues in Texas. To subscribe, visit OneList - TexasTag
Home Education of Gifted Children in Texas - Texans who homeschool their gifted children. To subscribe, visit groups.yahoo.com/group/Texashomeschool/

There is a whole world of 'unusually gifted' outside of Davidson's YSP.

There are conferences
such as -

TAGT Professional Development Conference for Educators & Parents November 10, 2010
Fort Worth, Texas, USA

(there are usually 'children's events' that run in parallel to the adult events)

PG Retreat July 2 - 6, 2010
Annual summer program for adults and children organized by and for the families of profoundly gifted children, Glyn Eyrie Castle, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

(which does have an application form, but worth a try)

Best Wishes,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com